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Safety Week at Advanced Construction Robotics

Danielle Proctor delivered the following statement on Construction Safety Week.

Hello everyone I am Danielle Proctor, CEO of Advanced Construction Robotics here to close out safety week by renewing our commitment as a company to improve safety on jobsites through technology. As we reflect on the past week and all of the amazing safety initiatives across the construction industry we are inspired to continue to innovate for the sake of worker health. We believe that human laborers on the job site are a contractor's most valuable asset, and as such, every measure should be taken to protect them. There is no greater method of improving safety than to remove workers from dangerous situations entirely. We at ACR encourage all contractors to take a look at the automation of dangerous and injury-prone tasks in order to keep their crews safer.

Of course, automation is not the only modern method of safety improvement. New technologies are emerging every day for improving safety on the jobsite, whether it be through wearables, software, or more. The robotics renaissance we are currently experiencing will lead to leaps forward in safety. We encourage anyone in construction and beyond to open their minds to modern safety solutions. We want to say thank you to all of the safety professionals out there today working to keep crews safe and healthy. Your work is invaluable not just during safety week, but every week. Stay safe out there everyone, and remember to keep innovating infrastructure.


Advanced Construction Robotics is a leading innovator of autonomous robotic construction equipment. The organization is built on four pillars, improving safety, enhancing productivity, increasing consistency, and reducing schedule risks. Every day the ACR team strives to bring these benefits to real contractors on real job sites. Learn more about ACRs pillars here:


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